More bug fixesUpdate 1.This post is mainly for anyone that ran into bugs during the dlc sized quest "The Machine And Her".
Ědded setting to enable/disable background updates on every song.
Ědded button to settings page to sync services in case of an API change.
Ědded login and enabled scrobbling.
Now using artist artwork as background.
Ğxpiring playlist after an extended period remove the need to 'clear queue'.
'Cannot load songs' error much less likely.
Ědded playlist caching to minimize skips when changing stations.
Ğnforced Skip Limit to meet Pandora's Terms of Service.
Ĝreate station from artistUpdate 2.1 This is mainly a service update to 2.0 This update makes Radio Controlled abide by Pandora’s skip policy so that the app can continue to retrieve playlists.
Ědded setting to disable enforced skip limits for premium accounts.
Ědded setting to disable Now Playing lock screen.
Ědded setting to turn on/off background art.
ğixed breaking change in the Pandora ServiceUpdate 2.2.
ěrowse to detailed album and artist information on Zune, Pandora and AmazonUpdate 2.3.
See the currently playing song as well as songs that have played and upcoming songs.
Radio Controlled is a client for the Pandora streaming music service.
Stop command on Now Playing to remove track from the volume cont.
Station details page for pinning, renaming and deleting stations.
History page to view, rate and buy songs.
Radio Controlled now listed in Music Hub.
Ědded artist to song information in volume controls.